Man Was Caught on Camera Throwing Trash on an Albuquerque Home More Than Once

Man Was Caught on Camera Throwing Trash on an Albuquerque Home More Than Once

ABQ, New Mexico – Someone who keeps throwing trash on someone else’s land in Albuquerque and getting away with it was caught on camera. This person is very annoying to the owner of the property. The surveillance video can be found on KRQE News 13.

David Edwards, who owns the land, said, “It’s clear that he has no idea that he’s being filmed.”

On three separate occasions in the past month, Edwards saw the same person drive up to his lot near Pennsylvania Street and I-40 during the day, drop a lot of trash, and then drive off.

“Usually we’re there during working hours, but this person left outside of those hours, so I get a message and can see him do it, but we’re not there to stop him right then,” Edwards said.

The dumper broke the law twice, on April 20 and May 4. After the third time, Edwards was so angry that he called the cops.

It was mostly his attitude that made me angry—he treated it like it was his own property. Another thing that worried Edwards was the way the stuff was left behind after the truck was driven away after only half of it had been unloaded. This showed even more disrespect, Edwards said.

This man has dropped off a lot of different kinds of household items during his visits, such as garden wire fence, folding chairs, a standing fan, a filing cabinet, carpeting, and old wood.

There’s still trash on the land days after the last time someone dumped trash there. Edwards isn’t sure if the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) will follow through because this isn’t a very important crime. “Sometimes I don’t expect anything from APD,” Edwards said. “But at the same time, you know, I do think that the Mayor and the city are trying to deal with some of these smaller crimes as well as the big ones, of course.”

It was a lucky day for Edwards because he was able to get a clear picture of the man’s license plate number on camera. He sent the information along with the videos to the police, saying, “You know with security cameras there’s always something, like you never get the information: it’s blurry or it’s too dark or whatever.”

But he still doesn’t know what the police can do: “A few months ago, someone tried to break into a car. We recorded their license plate and the video of them doing it and filed a report, but nothing happened. That seems like an even worse crime than this, so as an Albuquerque resident, I’m really curious what we should expect.”

Even though it’s small, it’s easy to see what happened. “In this case, there is no doubt because they can see who he is and what he did,” Edwards said.

He said that all he really wants is an apology: “My ideal solution would just be for him to understand that what he did does affect other people.” He has caused us to clean up his mess three times now, so he should know that what he does has consequences.

As of now, KRQE News 13 has not heard back from APD about whether or not police are looking into the case and how they plan to do it.

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