Georgia Inmate Faces Charges for Mailing Bombs to Alaska and D.C

Georgia Inmate Faces Charges for Mailing Bombs to Alaska and D.C

A prisoner in Georgia has been charged with several federal crimes after sending two “destructive devices” to federal prisons in Alaska and New York in 2020.

The 55-year-old David Cassady is charged by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Georgia with making an unregistered destructive device, sending a destructive device twice, and trying to use an explosive in a malicious way twice.

A lawyer for the state says Cassady sent two bombs, one to the U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building in Anchorage and the other to a federal building in Washington, D.C.

“Maliciously damage or destroy, by means of fire or explosive, a building in whole or in part owned or possessed by, or leased to, the United States,” according to the indictment. Cassady also “created a substantial risk of injury to a person.”

One of the groups looking into the case is the FBI Anchorage Office.

Case accusation says Cassady is in Phillips State Prison in Buford, Georgia. He was in Georgia State Prison in Reidsville, Georgia, when he is accused of mailing the bombs.

Right now, Cassady is serving a life sentence.

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