‘Use It or Lose It’ Paid Time Off Policies Are Something That a Politician in Pennsylvania Wants to Restrict

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania —
The usage of “use it or lose it” paid time off policies by businesses is being restricted by a representative from Pennsylvania who is advocating for this change.

A memorandum was issued by Representative Mary Jo Daley, a Democrat from Montgomery, and she intends to propose a bill.

Policies that dictate “use it or lose it” prohibit employees from carrying over or cashing out their paid time off after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed within the policy. A new leave of absence might be granted, but any time that has been earned but not utilized is forfeited without any compensation.

Daley stated that even while workers might attempt to make advantage of that time, their managers might refuse to allow them to do so. There are also employers who may impose restrictions on the manner in which and when vacation time might be utilized.

Make use of it or you will lose it. It is illegal to implement policies in the states of California, Colorado, Montana, and Nebraska. Employees in these states are generally believed to be entitled to earnings that, once earned, cannot be taken away from them. This includes unused paid time off benefits.

She said that Daley’s idea would be comparable to this one.

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