Ex-Republican Congressman: ‘Moscow Marjorie’ Falls Short of ‘Useful Idiot’ Status in Pro-Russian Advocacy, Claims Former Colleague

Ex-Republican Congressman 'Moscow Marjorie' Falls Short of 'Useful Idiot' Status in Pro-Russian Advocacy, Claims Former Colleague

Former Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) didn’t like Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republican from Georgia whom he calls “Moscow Marjorie” because she tries to stop help to Ukraine.

Buck, who quit in March, went on CNN on Friday to speak out against the efforts to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) because of the foreign aid bill that includes money for Israel and Ukraine.

Buck told Erica Hill on CNN, “The government hasn’t shut down because Republicans have a very small majority, again, because Mike has shown leadership.” “I wouldn’t have voted for the appropriations bills because I believe we need to cut spending, and those bills did just that. But Mike was able to get that spending package passed by bringing together a coalition, just like he did with this foreign aid package.”

“So, as you said, you don’t think he’ll be removed from office,” Hill asked. We’re going to keep an eye out for that. I’m interested. During this show, you called Greene and said, “MoscowMarjorie.” The name seems to have caught on, and her comments against Ukraine are getting a lot of attention on Russian state TV.

After that, Hill showed a video of a Russian TV host saying, “Speaker Johnson is not running Congress; Marjorie Taylor Greene is running Congress.” “Everyone is scared of her.”

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