A Case in Orange County Says That the Torture and Abuse of a 10-year-old Child Went Unnoticed for Years

A Case in Orange County Says That the Torture and Abuse of a 10-year-old Child Went Unnoticed for Years

Anaheim, California – In a horrifying case of long-term child abuse, the real mother of two girls, ages 10 and 13, has filed a lawsuit against the county and city of Anaheim for the years of abuse her daughters went through. The lawsuit shows the horrifying details of how Domingo Flores and Mayra Chavez tortured people, which led to their convictions and time in jail.

The Orange County district attorney’s office says that the girls were abused in horrible ways, such as being tied to a bed with zip ties, being put into ice baths, and not being able to eat. County social workers and police are said to have done nothing to protect the children, even though there were multiple claims of abuse starting in 2017.

The lawsuit says that when Anaheim police went to Flores’ apartment to check on her welfare, they didn’t do anything even though they saw signs of abuse and Flores apparently laughed off their concerns. Sadly, the girls were abused and neglected for years until August 2022, when one of them was rushed to the hospital weighing only 50 pounds and showed that she had suffered a lot of injuries from being abused and neglected for years.

Chavez got seven years to life in prison plus extra years for torture and other charges. Flores, on the other hand, got 14 years in prison after admitting to child abuse and attack.

In reaction to the lawsuit, Mike Lyster, a spokesman for Anaheim, said that the city was sorry for the victims’ deaths and that the claims are being looked into. But the Orange County Social Services Agency wouldn’t say anything because they were still being sued.

Todd Spitzer, the district attorney for Orange County, said that the system failed to protect the children and promised to look into what happened and make sure that similar tragedies don’t happen again.

The lawsuit is a stark reminder of how terrible it is when systems fail to protect children who are fragile, and it shows how quickly changes need to be made to stop this from happening again.

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