New Study Reveals Texan Families Allocate Nearly One-Fifth of Income Towards Childcare Costs

New Study Reveals Texan Families Allocate Nearly One-Fifth of Income Towards Childcare Costs

It is SAN ANTONIO. A recent survey indicates that families in the state of Texas spend an average of 21% of their income on child care, the fourth-highest percentage in the country.

In a recent report that LendingTree published, the amount of money that families in Texas spend on child care was disclosed, along with a comparison to the amount that families spend in other states.

According to the findings of the survey, families in the state of Texas generate an average of $1592 per week in income, but they spend an average of $341 per week on childcare services.

There are just three states that pay more for child care: Nevada, Montana, and Louisiana. These three states spend 32.3%, 22.6%, and 21.9% of their respective salaries on childcare, respectively.

On the other hand, the study also found that the majority of families who rely on daycare do not pay for it out of their own pockets. Instead, 52.9% of families in childcare received financial assistance from their jobs or the federal government.

LendingTree suggests that families in the United States who are having difficulty affording childcare can explore reaching out to reliable friends and family members for aid in caring for their children. Additionally, they should investigate state and federal assistance programs as well as the possibility of receiving free childcare.

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