Maryland Department of Agriculture Implements Restrictions on Dairy Cattle Entry Into State Borders

Maryland Department of Agriculture Implements Restrictions on Dairy Cattle Entry Into State Borders

MARYLAND – Dairy cows from states where bird flu has been proven cannot come into the country because of the order.

Last week, the USDA said that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) had been found in dairy cow herds in Texas, Kansas, Michigan, Idaho, Ohio, North Carolina, and New Mexico. This was because the herds were getting sicker and making less milk. The USDA National Veterinary Laboratory Services determined that the strain is H5N1. This virus has been circulating in wild birds for a few years and seems to have been brought to these herds by wild birds.

Even though HPAI hasn’t been found in cattle in Maryland yet, the state’s Department of Agriculture reminds farmers to practice quarantine. Officials say cow owners should keep sick cattle away from other animals and limit how much their animals move. The Department of Agriculture says that new animals should be kept in a quarantine area for at least two weeks before they are introduced to an existing group.

“The dairy and cattle genetics industries in Maryland are strong.” “The Maryland Department of Agriculture is actively monitoring and responding to this situation with the help of state and federal partners,” said Kevin Atticks, the secretary of agriculture for Maryland. “Our Maryland farmers and other people in the agriculture industry are even safer now that this order is in place.”

Because goods are pasteurized before they go on sale, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says there is no reason to worry about the safety of the milk supply or that this situation could be harmful to people’s health. Additionally, dairies are expected to only send milk from animals that are healthy to be processed for human use. If milk from cows that are sick or have been around birds with avian flu is going to be fed to calves or other animals, the FDA strongly suggests that it be pasteurized or heated in some other way to kill harmful bacteria or viruses, like flu, before it is fed to the calves.

Avian influenza, also called “bird flu,” is a lung illness in birds that is caused by the Influenza A virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that there is still a low chance that avian influenza will be spread from birds or cattle to people.

The Maryland Department of Agriculture tells people who own chickens or other animals to stop the spread of avian influenza by taking the following protection steps:

  1. Practice quarantine every day to keep your farm animals safe.
  2. Be on the lookout for signs of illness and know what they are for contagious diseases.
  3. Call the Maryland Department of Agriculture at 410-841-5810 to report any animals that might be used for farming.
  4. People who raise chickens for business or for fun can get help by sending their questions about the outbreak to

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