Marjorie Taylor Greene Temporarily Backs Off Threat to Oust Speaker Johnson, Also Spoke to Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greene Temporarily Backs Off Threat to Oust Speaker Johnson, Also Spoke to Trump

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed to back off her threat to force a vote to remove Speaker Mike Johnson this week on Tuesday, but she also made it clear that she will keep her threat forever. This will keep Johnson on a tight leash as he deals with the fact that he only has one vote in the chamber.

In other news, Greene and Johnson met on Tuesday afternoon, which was their second meeting in as many days. For these talks to happen, Greene had to say that she would force a vote this week to fire Johnson as leader.

Before talking to Johnson on Tuesday, Greene gave him a list of things she wanted from the guest. Her four requests were to return to the “Hastert Rule,” which says that laws aren’t put to a vote unless they have the support of the majority of the majority party, stop funding for Ukraine, stop funding the special counsel’s investigation into former President Donald Trump, and pass a continuing resolution to automatically cut spending by 1% before the election.

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Greene told Johnson that she is not setting a due date for following through on her four “suggestions.” Greene told the speaker that she didn’t give her an exact deadline for the demands, but that “it’s pretty short.”

A key supporter of Greene’s campaign to remove Johnson, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, said that the speaker has been open to the four demands, “but the question is what is he going to do to show that he is moving in that direction?”

Wednesday’s weekly GOP news conference saw Johnson not rule out Greene’s request to stop funding the special counsel’s investigation into Trump.

The Georgia representative said last week that she was going ahead with her plan to remove Johnson from office, even though many Republicans were against it and Democrats said they would help save Johnson. It’s not just Greene who has spoken out against Johnson’s removal. Trump has also replied.

A person close to Trump told ABC News that he talked to Greene quietly over the weekend and told her to stop trying to get Johnson fired. A source says that Trump told Greene that the party needs to work together while they were talking.

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