Man walking across America making his way through Alabama

Man walking across America making his way through Alabama

CULLMAN, Alabama – This is North Alabama where a man who is walking from coast to coast is stopping.

Ranger Kielak started his 3,000-mile walk on March 10 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with his feet in the Atlantic Ocean. He plans to jump into the Pacific Ocean off of Pismo Beach, California, by the end of August.

He was caught by WAFF on the side of U.S. Route 278 in Cullman, Alabama, on Friday afternoon.

Kielak said that his goal for the walk is to raise $100,000. He wants the Future Farmers of America, Bigger than the Trail, and the Hospice Promise Foundation to each get an equal share of the money that is raised.

Kielak said he wants to meet and learn from people all over the country. He walks around with just a backpack full of food, water, and simple camping gear. On his way, he is interviewing people he thinks are making the world a better place for his show, “Within Range Coaching.”

Kielak wrote that he “thought.” He got the idea for his writing from Ernest Hemingway and singer/songwriter Mike Posner, who went on his own national walk in 2019. And thought some more… until they finally understood something important. Things that keep coming to mind mean you should probably do something about them.

In 2022, he made up his mind that he would fully commit to the walk in 2024.

Kielak told them, “You can do anything crazy you want.” “Your ‘walk’ doesn’t need to be across the country. You have the power to do big things, like start a business or ask that person out. You can do even the most basic things. You can do it. You already have everything you need and the skills you need.

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