A Murderer Who Was Convicted in North Carolina in 1978 Was Denied Parole for His Crime

A Murderer Who Was Convicted in North Carolina in 1978 Was Denied Parole for His Crime

The North Carolina Release Commission declined to grant release to Roger Warren Clark, who is 67 years old. As a result, Clark will remain incarcerated in the county of CABARRUS, North Carolina.

Back in 1979, a jury decided that Clark was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Phoebe Barbee, who was 19 years old at the time. In spite of the fact that Clark was sentenced to life in prison, he did not remain there.

Phoebe’s family was required to appear before the parole board in Raleigh in February, as they do every three years, in order to present their case for why Clark should not be released from prison.

They received a letter from the commission regarding the denial of Clark’s parole the previous week. It is anticipated that he will return in the year 2027.

Source: Fox8

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