Footage From the Police Body Camera Captured the Fetterman Vehicle Crash

Footage From the Police Body Camera Captured the Fetterman Vehicle Crash

The Maryland State Police have made available body camera footage from Sen. John Fetterman’s (D-Pa.) vehicle collision from last month.

The Washington Post was able to obtain footage of Maryland State Police responding to the collision that severely damaged Fetterman’s black Chevrolet Traverse and a red Chevrolet car.

Police officers were able to identify Fetterman based on the footage. While the other motorist and the senator congregated on the side of the road with his wife Gisele, the senator remained silent.

Fetterman was identified by one officer as “that real big, tall guy” and the “senator of Pennsylvania.” The Post reported that Fetterman complied with police inquiries courteously.

Later on in the video, the same officer claimed that Fetterman “was flying, and she wanted to merge, and he just smashed her.”

Fetterman was found to have been driving at a “high rate of speed, well over the posted speed limit” following the incident that occurred in Maryland on June 9.

The police report that The Hill was able to get stated that Fetterman was “at fault” for the incident. Following the collision, medical attention was given to the senator, his spouse, and the other driver.

A first responder identified Fetterman as he arrived at the scene, according to the video that the Post could get.

“I said, ‘Good morning, senator,’ as soon as I walked up and saw him in the shorts and sweatshirt,” the man recalled. “In my twenty years of doing this, no politician has ever been with me.”

Fetterman’s wife was taken to the hospital while he received treatment for a bruised shoulder. After the collision, they were examined at a nearby hospital, and soon after, a spokesman reported that they were “doing well.”

Previously serving as Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor, the senator had a driver, but he now drives himself most of the time. According to the Post, he frequently drives alone from Washington, D.C. to Braddock, Pennsylvania.


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