Former Governor Nikki Haley Mourns the Loss of Her Father on Father’s Day

Former Governor Nikki Haley Mourns the Loss of Her Father on Father's Day

Nikki Haley had to say goodbye to her own father on Father’s Day when she was governor of South Carolina.

On June 16, Haley said that her father, Ajit Singh Randhawa, had died.

“I had to say goodbye to the smartest, nicest, sweetest, and most honest man I have ever known this morning,” Haley wrote on social media. “It breaks my heart to know that he is gone.”

“He taught his kids the importance of faith, hard work, and grace,” she said. “He loved his wife of 64 years, was a great-grandfather and great-grandfather, and was the best dad to his four kids.” We were all so lucky to have him.

“To my dad on Father’s Day!” We’ll miss you very much.”

Source: abcnews4

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