Wild Video Shows a Woman in South Carolina Dying of a Panic Attack After Finding a Snake on Her Car While She Was Driving

Wild Video Shows a Woman in South Carolina Dying of a Panic Attack After Finding a Snake on Her Car While She Was Driving

An SC woman was about to have a panic attack when she saw a snake on her car’s window while driving.

L. Ford told the local news station WYFF that she saw the big snake slither across her window on her way to work every day.

Ford said, “I was about halfway to work when I saw this black snake slithering back and forth across my hood.” “At one point, it got in the way of my window and wind guards.” I was lucky that both windows were down.

The woman from South Carolina said she had a video of the snake. “I had a panic attack and was about to die.” “Snakes are my biggest fear,” she said.

When asked, Ford thought about where the snake might have come from. “I believe it was in my engine compartment.” It moved to a cooler place when it got too hot, and that’s when I saw it.

She also said that after her drive, she couldn’t find the snake. “Hopefully, it got out of my car and found a new home,” she said.

There was a woman in South Carolina who told her story so that other people would know what snakes can do. “A car is a good place for snakes to live,” she said.

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources lists the different kinds of “black snakes” that live in the state.

The SC Dept. of Natural Resources says that our area only has two kinds of snakes that are mostly black and can grow to be 5 feet long. In the upper area, you can find both types of “black snake” in almost any place.

“There is one difference between them that people often notice when they meet them.” One of the species usually stays still, as if “considering its next move,” or moves slowly away at that point, while the other species disappear very quickly, as if on its way to the next county or further. The black rat snake is the first species, and the black racer is the second.

From what the SC Dept. of Natural Resources says, the black racer snake is thin and mostly black, with a white head. “Their name means “racer” because they move quickly.”

“They are eager and tense hunters that can climb bushes and even trees with low branches close to the ground.” Racers eat a lot of different kinds of animals, from bugs to other snakes.

On the other hand, the black rat snake is a “shiny black” snake. This snake is slower than the black racer, but it is said to be “agile” when it comes to climbing.

“Their unique climbing skills let them get up the trunks of big trees, which they do sometimes to look for birds and small mammals to eat.” The black rat snake is a strong snake that can kill and eat a full-grown gray squirrel.

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