When a Giant Alligator Lunged at Cars on a Road in North Carolina, Firefighters Used a Smart Method to Scare It Away

When a Giant Alligator Lunged at Cars on a Road in North Carolina, Firefighters Used a Smart Method to Scare It Away

On Friday, a 12-foot alligator was lunging at cars in the middle of a dark North Carolina road. To get the big animal to move on, firemen used a unique technique: they sprayed it with water from a hose.

Around 1 a.m., the big gator blocked traffic in Boiling Spring Lakes, a town in Brunswick County south of Wilmington.

Boiling Spring Lakes Fire Rescue said, “This angry intruder was lying in the middle of the road and would lunge at passing cars.”

The fire department says that the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office told them they needed help because “a 12-foot dragon was a bit outside of what they could handle solo.”

But firemen found that the huge alligator was too strong for them, so they tried something else.

“After a first attempt to walk this gentleman across the road failed, we turned to what we know best…. we flowed some water,” firefighters said.

The fire department put up pictures of firemen using a fire hose to put out the fire.

“With a gentle shower deployed to encourage a retreat, the gator finally decided he was done with civilization for the time being and finally moved on back into his more natural habitat,” it said.

They said that getting the “big guy” off the road and to safety probably saved his life and the lives of other drivers on the dark road. The sheriff’s office thanked the firemen for their help.

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