This Tennessee City Has the State’s Highest Cancer Rates – Here’s What’s Causing It

This Tennessee City Has the State’s Highest Cancer Rates – Here’s What’s Causing It

According to the Tennessee Cancer Atlas 2023, Memphis, Tennessee, has the highest cancer rates in the state. The city’s age-adjusted cancer incidence rate is 46.2 cases per 100,000 people, which is higher than the state average of 38.5 cases per 100,000 people.

Reasons for the High Cancer Rates in Memphis

Memphis has a high risk of cancer, and several reasons could explain this. The demographics of the city are one of the factors. Compared to the state average, Memphis has a larger percentage of older persons, and older adults are more likely to develop cancer. The city’s economic position is another consideration. Memphis has a greater poverty rate than the norm for the state, and poverty is linked to a higher chance of developing cancer.

The high cancer rates in Memphis may also be influenced by environmental factors. The city is situated in an area with a lot of air pollution, which can raise the chances of developing lung cancer. Memphis also includes a variety of industrial sites, which could leak carcinogens into the air and water.

Certain Kinds of Cancer That Are Common in Memphis

According to the Tennessee Cancer Atlas 2023, Memphis has high rates of some types of cancer, including lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer.

  • Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in Memphis. The city’s age-adjusted lung cancer incidence rate is 83.1 cases per 100,000 people, which is higher than the state average of 65.4 cases per 100,000 people.
  • Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer in Memphis. The city’s age-adjusted colorectal cancer incidence rate is 48.2 cases per 100,000 people, which is higher than the state average of 40.5 cases per 100,000 people.
  • Breast cancer is the third most frequent type of cancer in Memphis. The city’s breast cancer incidence rate, which is adjusted for age, is 137.3 cases per 100,000 people, which is higher than the state average of 125.7 cases per 100,000 people.

Public Health Initiatives Aimed at Solving the Issue

Officials in Memphis who are responsible for public health are trying to find a solution to the city’s high cancer rates. They are concentrating on preventing cancer and detecting it in its early stages. They are also making efforts to make cancer care more accessible.

This Tennessee City Has the State’s Highest Cancer Rates – Here’s What’s Causing It

The following are some of the public health programs that are special to Memphis:

  • Tobacco prevention and cessation: Public health experts are working to decrease the number of people who use tobacco in Memphis. This involves informing the public about the risks of smoking and providing initiatives to help people quit using tobacco.
  • Cancer screening: Public health officials are trying to get more people in Memphis to get screened for cancer. This includes providing free or low-cost cancer screenings and informing the public about the significance of early detection.
  • Access to cancer care: Public health officials are attempting to make cancer care more accessible in Memphis. This involves working with local healthcare providers to provide cancer care services and offering financial help to those who have cancer.

Ways that Memphis people can assist lower the number of cancer cases

Residents of Memphis May Assist in Lowering Cancer Rates in some Ways, Including

Stop smoking: In the United States, smoking is the number one cause of death that could have been avoided. One of the best ways to lower the risk of cancer is to stop smoking.
Make sure to get frequent cancer screenings: Finding cancer early can result in better outcomes. People should see their doctor to determine whether cancer screenings are appropriate for them.
Support public health initiatives: Officials are working to reduce the high cancer rates in the city. People can help promote public health programs by donating money to local cancer organizations and volunteering their time.

Final Thoughts

The city of Memphis, Tennessee, has the highest cancer rates in the state. The city’s high cancer rates can be attributed to a variety of factors, including demography, economic status, and environmental conditions. Residents of Memphis and public health officials are collaborating on a number of projects to lower the city’s cancer rates.

Tennessee City Takes the Lead in Highest Cancer Rates(Website)

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