The Woman’s Death in Her Home is the First Black Bear Attack Death in California

The Woman's Death in Her Home is the First Black Bear Attack Death in California

A 71-year-old woman was found dead in her home in Sierra County in November. She had been bitten by a black bear, which was the first time in California history that a bear had killed someone.

Sierra County Sheriff’s Office officers who were called to check on Patrice Miller’s well-being found her body in her Downieville home on November 8, 2023. Authorities say that deputies found a horrible scene that showed a bear had been inside for at least a few days, feeding on the woman’s body.

At first, police thought she had already died before the bear got in. Sheriff Mike Fisher of Sierra County told KCRA-TV that an autopsy done last month showed that Miller died when the animal swiped or bit her neck.

A spokesperson for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Peter Tira, said, “Black bears are not dangerous animals. But if they see our homes, cabins, or campgrounds as easy places to get food, they lose their natural fear of people and act more recklessly.” “This is the most extreme example we’ve seen in state history.”

Miller’s death is the first known case of a black bear killing someone in California. The state flag has a grizzly bear on it. These bears are known to be more dangerous than black bears, but no one has seen one in California in 100 years. Attacks by black bears in California are very rare, and no one has ever been killed by one until now.

A small mountain town of about 300 people lives in Downieville, which is on the Yuba River. An increasing number of mountain bikers and fishers are going there.

The bear wasn’t in the house when the police arrived, but it was caught near the house after Miller died. The male bear was put down, and DNA testing showed that it was the bear that attacked Miller, Tira said.

The police said Miller had been having problems with bears on her land before she died. She fed her cats on the front steps and left trash around the house.

Miller’s daughter told the police that “bears were always trying to get in through broken windows” and that her mother had hit one to keep it from getting in. A report from the Sheriff’s Office says that her mother even gave one of the bears a name because it was “frequently visiting the residence and a nuisance.”

There are about 25,000 to 35,000 black bears living in California. Most of them live in forests and mountains across the state. Males usually weigh between 150 and 400 pounds, but some can weigh up to 500 pounds. Females can weigh between 100 and 300 pounds.

These omnivores are very good at scavenging, and they are known to go to neighborhoods to find food, especially in the spring and summer. Last month, a bear went to a house in Monrovia and left with a package of Nabisco cookies in its mouth. This is how it got the name “Oreo.”

In California, people rarely get hurt when they meet a black bear. When a bear is protecting its cubs or is startled, it usually strikes to protect them. However, a bear that has become used to food may sometimes become mean to people.

The state’s fish and wildlife office says that if someone sees a bear, they should not look at it, make noise, and slowly back away while also making themselves look bigger. The group said that if a bear touches someone, that person should fight back.

After Miller’s death, the sheriff’s office told people in Downieville to lock their cars, close their doors and windows at night, and get rid of any outside food sources, like their trash.

In a news release from last year, the Sierra County Sheriff’s Office said, “The family and friends of Patrice Miller are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.” “The loss of a community member is always a tragedy, and our thoughts are with those affected by this unfortunate event.”

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