Texas Little League Coach Was Given a Sentence of Federal Prison for Transporting Juveniles to Make Sexual Encounters

AUSTIN, Texas – LUMBERTON On Monday, the United States Attorney’s Office announced that a former youth baseball coach had been sentenced to forty years in federal prison for offenses related to child exploitation.

A press release states that Adam Dale Isaacks, who is forty years old and lives in Lumberton, entered a guilty plea to four charges of transporting a juvenile for the purpose of engaging in sexual behavior.

According to a press statement, Isaacks, who had previously served as a child baseball instructor and was the president of the Evadale Little League Baseball organization, was identified as the perpetrator of multiple allegations of sexual assaults committed against juveniles in the year 2021.

As stated in a press release, eight of the younger players on Isaacks’ baseball club have come forward to say that they had been sexually molested by him. When the assaults took place, the ages of each of the players ranged from nine to eleven years old or younger individually.

Isaacks was found to have transferred multiple juveniles outside of the state, where he “engaged in illicit sexual conduct with the minor victims,” according to the conclusion of the investigation.

“We expect our little league coaches to protect the children entrusted to their care; this defendant did not do that and will now serve a lengthy sentence,” stated the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, Damien M. Diggs.

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