Tennessee Lawmakers Introduce Bill That Could Make Equal Parenting Time the Standard in Custody Cases

Tennessee Lawmakers Introduce Bill That Could Make Equal Parenting Time the Standard in Custody Cases

A proposed bill in Tennessee could significantly change how custody battles are handled, pushing courts toward a presumption of equal parenting time for both parents. The legislation, if passed, would require judges to begin with a 50/50 custody arrangement as the default unless clear evidence suggests that such an arrangement would not be in the child’s best interest.

A Move Toward Fairer Custody Arrangements

Currently, Tennessee courts determine custody based on the “best interest of the child,” which can result in one parent receiving significantly more parenting time than the other. Advocates of the bill argue that this system often favors one parent—typically the mother—while leaving the other parent with limited access. The new bill seeks to rectify this by ensuring that both parents have equal standing from the outset of custody proceedings.

State Representative John Smith, one of the bill’s primary sponsors, emphasized the importance of shared parenting. “Research shows that children do better emotionally, academically, and socially when they have access to both parents. This bill ensures that judges start from a position of fairness,” Smith stated.

Concerns From Opponents and Family Law Experts

While the bill has gained support from many fathers’ rights advocates and shared parenting organizations, it has also drawn criticism from some legal experts and child welfare advocates. Critics argue that a default presumption of equal parenting time may not be appropriate in all cases, particularly when one parent has a history of domestic abuse, substance abuse, or other issues that could endanger the child.

Family law attorney Susan Reynolds warns that the bill could make it harder for courts to tailor custody arrangements to individual family situations. “Each custody case is unique, and forcing courts to start with an equal parenting presumption could lead to situations where a child is placed in an unsafe or unstable environment,” Reynolds explained.

How the Bill Would Impact Custody Disputes

If the bill passes, Tennessee would join a growing number of states that have adopted laws favoring shared parenting. Supporters argue that this shift reflects modern family dynamics and the increasing involvement of both parents in child-rearing. However, courts would still retain discretion to deviate from equal parenting time if evidence suggests that such an arrangement is not in the child’s best interest.

Family court judge Mark Patterson explained how the new law would influence judicial decisions. “The bill doesn’t mandate equal parenting time in every case, but it does establish it as the starting point. Judges will still have the ability to weigh factors like the child’s relationship with each parent, stability, and safety concerns,” Patterson noted.

Next Steps for the Bill

The bill is currently making its way through the Tennessee legislature and is expected to face heated debates before a final vote. Supporters are optimistic that the measure will pass, citing growing public support for shared parenting laws nationwide. Opponents, however, are calling for amendments to provide greater flexibility for cases where equal parenting time may not be appropriate.

As lawmakers deliberate, parents across the state will be watching closely. If enacted, the bill could reshape custody disputes in Tennessee, potentially setting a precedent for other states considering similar reforms.


Tennessee’s proposed bill marks a significant shift toward equal parenting time in custody battles. While it aims to promote fairness and better outcomes for children, it has also sparked concerns about its potential drawbacks. As the debate continues, the future of custody laws in Tennessee remains uncertain, with far-reaching implications for families statewide.

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