Surprising Foods to Keep You Hydrated on Hot Texas Days

Surprising Foods to Keep You Hydrated on Hot Texas Days

Texas is still very hot even though summer is moving slowly toward fall. The next week or so should be a bit better, though, as the temperatures drop into the 90s instead of the 100s.

Triple-digit days are not fun for anyone. You wake up warmer than you’d like, every time you get in your car you feel like you’re roasting, and it takes forever for the air conditioning to cool you down. And it doesn’t matter how short your shorts are or how thin your tank top is—you’ll still be panting like a dog and feel like you might drown in your sweat.

I hate getting sweaty. I would rather be cold than hot, and not just because I sweat a lot. Being hot makes me irritable, which makes me considerably less nice to be around. So I try to keep my cool as much as possible to avoid making everyone else upset.

Staying hydrated and having tasty snacks on hand are two other big things that make me happy when it’s hot outside. Thank goodness there are lots of options that are both tasty and good for you that kids, adults, and everyone in between can enjoy

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