Stephen Colbert Reminds Trump In A Brutal Way Of His First Big Mistake In Washington

Stephen Colbert Reminds Trump In A Brutal Way Of His First Big Mistake In Washington

As Stephen Colbert recapitulated the most recent developments in the criminal prosecution of former President Donald Trump in connection with the Stormy Daniels hush money case, he handed Donald Trump a reminder of one of his earliest failures in Washington. This was a blast from the past that Stephen Colbert delivered on Thursday.

To demonstrate that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has a grudge against his former boss and, as a result, cannot be trusted, the attorneys for Trump made an effort to demonstrate this.

At one point, they were successful in getting Cohen to acknowledge that he received the impression that Trump had rejected him, particularly after he had a difficult time obtaining tickets to the inauguration in 2017.

According to Colbert, “Wow.” “That can’t help but hurt. ‘Because, as we are all aware, there were a great number of seats available.

A picture was displayed by Colbert that depicted the relatively low number of people that attended the inauguration of President Trump at the National Mall. These images provoked Trump to have a major outburst at the time.

He dispatched Sean Spicer, who was serving as the press secretary at the time, to contend with reporters on the size of the crowd. The assertion that it “was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe” was made by Spicer, according to his assertions, which were not true.

Following that, Spicer expressed that he “absolutely” regretted that.

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