Seven of the Most Dangerous Gangs in Illinois Are Taking Over

Seven of the Most Dangerous Gangs in Illinois Are Taking Over

Some of the most dangerous and well-known gangs in the US are based in Illinois. Criminal actions like drug trafficking, murder, robbery, extortion, and racketeering are all done by these gangs. They are also a major threat to public safety and order because they often fight over territory and shoot each other in response. These are seven of the most dangerous gangs in Illinois:

1. The Chicago Outfit

      The Chicago Outfit is one of the oldest and strongest crime groups in the country. It is also called the Mafia or the Mob. Its history goes back to the time of Prohibition when Big Jim Colosimo started it and Al Capone later took over.

      The Outfit has a history of bribery, corruption, and having power in business, politics, and labor groups. It is also known for gambling, prostitution, loan sharking, murder, and other bad things it does. The Outfit is currently run by John DiFronzo, who is also known as “No Nose.” They mostly work in and around Chicago and its neighborhoods.

      2. The Latin Kings

        There is a big Hispanic street gang called the Latin Kings, which is also called the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. It is one of the most violent in the world. It began in Chicago in the 1950s as a way for Puerto Rican newcomers to protect themselves from being mistreated and discriminated against. Since then, the Latin Kings have spread to other states and countries. They have a complicated structure, set of rules for behavior, and beliefs.

        As well as the five-pointed crown, the lion, and the colors black and gold, the Latin Kings used a lot of different signs. The Gangster Disciples, the Black Disciples, and the Vice Lords are just a few of the gangs that they are bad blood with. The Latin Kings do a lot of bad things, like stealing, assaulting, killing, and selling drugs.

        3. The Gangster Disciples

          One of the biggest and most well-known African American street gangs in the country is the Gangster Disciples, which is also called the Black Gangster Disciples or the GDs. When the Black Disciples and the Supreme Gangsters joined forces in Chicago in the 1960s, they formed the Black Disciples. The Gangster Disciples are very organized. They have a board of directors, governors, regents, and troops.

          The 16 Laws of the Gangster Disciple Nation are their set of morals. As signs for the Gangster Disciples, they use the pitchfork, the six-pointed star, and the colors black and blue. They also have a reputation for fighting with other gangs like the Crips, the Bloods, and the Latin Kings. Some of the crimes that the Gangster Disciples are involved in are drug dealing, extortion, fraud, and murder.

          4. The Vice Lords

            It is one of the oldest and most powerful African-American street gangs in the country. The Vice Lords are also known as the Almighty Vice Lord Nation or the AVLN. It began as a social club for teens and young adults from the Lawndale neighborhood in Chicago in the 1950s. The Vice Lords later turned into a criminal gang with a complicated set of rules, beliefs, and leadership.

            As signs, the Vice Lords use the five-pointed star, the top hat, and the colors black and gold. The Black P. Stones, the El Rukns, and the Latin Counts are just a few of the gangs that they work with. There are many crimes that the Vice Lords are involved in, including murder, drug dealing, robbery, and setting fires.

            5. The Black P. Stones

              One of the most dangerous and well-known African American street gangs in the country is the Black P. Stones, which is also called the Almighty Black P. Stone Nation or the BPSN. It began in Chicago in the 1960s as a group for young people from the Woodlawn neighborhood to work together. The Black P. Stones later turned into a crime group with a strict and religious philosophy that was influenced by the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam.

              Three things that stand for the Black P. Stones are the pyramid, the eye, and the colors red and black. The Gangster Disciples, the Four Corner Hustlers, and the Mickey Cobras are just a few of the gangs that they have fought with. Some of the crimes that the Black Pones are involved in are drug dealing, extortion, terrorism, and murder.

              6. The Four Corner Hustlers

                Another name for the Four Corner Hustlers is the Foes. They are one of the most violent and cruel African American street gangs in the country. This group split off from the Vice Lords in Chicago in the 1970s and became its entity. The Four Corner Hustlers don’t have a formal leader or set of rules. Instead, their organization is loose and spread out. They are also very fierce and stubborn, and they don’t want to work with or join forces with other gangs. Signs for the Four Corner Hustlers are a diamond with four points, a rabbit, and the colors black and green. They are also known for being mean to other gangs like the Latin Kings, the Gangster Disciples, and the Black Disciples. Some of the crimes that the Four Corner Hustlers are involved in are murder, drug dealing, robbery, and carjacking.

                7. The Mickey Cobras

                  This is one of the most feared and respected African American street gangs in the country. They are also known as the Almighty Mickey Cobra Nation or the MCN. It began in Chicago in the 1960s as a branch of the Black P. Stones. The Mickey Cobras are very organized. They have a supreme boss, a council, and a system of ranks. The bond between them is also very strong and faithful. It’s called the “Cobra Love.” What do the Mickey Cobras stand for? They use the snake, the crescent moon, and the colors black and green. Besides that, they work together with other gangs like the Latin Counts, the Black P. Stones, and the Vice Lords. Some of the crimes that the Mickey Cobras are involved in are drug dealing, extortion, kidnapping, and murder.

                  In conclusion

                  These are not the only risky gangs in Illinois; these are some of the worst. There are a lot of other gangs that work in different parts and levels of the state. They are always a threat to society and the police. It’s hard to beat these gangs because they are well-organized, well-armed, and well-backed. It’s not impossible, though, because there are also many programs and attempts to stop gangs and at-risk teens and young adults from joining and to help them get better. A broad and cooperative effort involving the government, the police, the community, and the people is needed to solve the gang problem in Illinois.

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