Senator Jones’ Street Racing Penalty Increase Bill Passes Approval

Senator Jones' Street Racing Penalty Increase Bill Passes Approval

Senate Bill 10 was first offered by Senator Emanuel Jones in 2023. It was finally passed in March. The bill makes it more serious to drive recklessly and go to a street race on purpose.

Senate Bill 10 is now ready for the governor to sign. After the session ends, the governor has 40 days to sign or veto bills.

More severe punishments for street racing

Bill 10 was first proposed by Senator Emanuel Jones of Stockbridge during the 2023 session. There are several parts to the bill. First, it makes “knowingly present and actively facilitating” drag racing a misdemeanor crime that can get you a $250 fine. The bill says that stopping the road with your car is an example of making drag racing easier.

Second, the bill raises the fines for racing on the street without a permit. These are now what they are:

$500 to $1,000 for the first violation, $750 to $1,500 for the second, $2,500 to $5,000 for the third, and $5,000 to $7,500 for the fourth.
For repeat acts, convictions within ten years are used.

Finally, the bill lowers the number of times someone has broken the law before the state can take their car as seizure. Before, if a person was convicted of street racing four times, the state could take away their car. Under the bill, the state could now take away a car after the second crime.

Sen. Jones said this about the passing of SB 10: “I am very pleased to see the successful passage of this important legislation through both chambers of the Georgia General Assembly.” With more than 30 years of experience in the auto business, this measure is very important to me. It’s a big step toward stopping illegal speed racing and dangerous stunt driving, which will make the roads safer for everyone in Georgia. I want to thank my colleagues in both the Senate and the House for their help in passing this bill. It is a big step forward in Georgia’s work to keep our roads safe.

By a vote of 52–2, the senate passed SB 10 in February 2024. After that, the house made changes to it and passed it by a vote of 149–7 in March. Before the end of session, the senators agreed to the change made by the house.

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