Scaramucci Criticizes ‘No Backbone’ Nikki Haley for Endorsing Trump ‘She’s Smarter Than This’

Scaramucci Criticizes 'No Backbone' Nikki Haley for Endorsing Trump 'She's Smarter Than This'

Anthony Scaramucci, who used to be the communications director for the White House, criticized Nikki Haley, who used to be governor of South Carolina, for supporting Donald Trump.

As Trump’s ambassador to the U.N., Haley ran against the former president for the Republican ticket and lost. She said he was unfit for office. In answer, he called Haley “Birdbrain” many times, which made her seem less smart. Trump also said that Haley’s husband, a soldier in the National Guard who was sent to Africa this year, left the U.S. to get away from her.

Haley said on Wednesday, “I will be voting for Trump,” which was an endorsement of the former president.

“Governor Haley has let me down,” Scaramucci said on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on Friday. “She knows how dangerous it is.” Right now, she’s not being smart enough. But her choice doesn’t have any backbone. The people who work for and advise campaigns have clearly had an effect on her. They tell her, “Hey, you better support Donald Trump [or] you have no future in that party.”

He said that Haley got 20% of the vote in the primary against Trump and that she could have helped make “a new center-right party that dropped the hatred, dropped the threat of violence, dropped the threat of persecution.”

He then said that President Joe Biden’s team should reach out to voters who didn’t like Haley and give them a clear choice.

“But if I were the Biden party, I’d say, ‘Hey, this is a two-party race; democracy comes first.'” Are you a national first and a party member second? Welcome to our group! Let’s keep this government system, this great American experiment, working for the people of the United States like it has for the past 250 years.

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