Robert George, An Alabama Prisoner Who Served 31 Years, Is Happy To Be Free

Robert George, An Alabama Prisoner Who Served 31 Years, Is Happy To Be Free

MONTGOMERY, AL — Tuesday was a big day for Robert George because it was 31 years since he got out of jail.

George was found guilty of manslaughter in 1994 and given a life term with the chance of parole for killing Mary Dale.

In a statement, Dale’s mother said she wanted George to be freed. It was an accident that her daughter died, and she said George is not a threat to the neighborhood.

George is excited to spend the rest of his life in Florida with his family and friends. He is now 85 years old.

George told CBS 42, “I have a lot of grandchildren.” “And I’d like to meet all of them.”

People still don’t understand why George got such a long term for manslaughter.

George tried to get release in 2022 but was turned down. Don Siegelman, who used to be governor of Alabama, said that the state pardons and paroles board makes it hard to get a second chance.

“The chances are they’ll say ‘No, go back,'” Siegelman said. “It doesn’t matter how much you’ve changed your life.”

Lauren Faraino, George’s lawyer, says that prisoners should have more faith that the years of change could help them get out of jail. Faraino said that prisoners give up because they can’t get out of jail quickly and their punishments are too long.

Faraino said, “We all want to live in a safe society, and we need to think about how we can get there.” “Reforms that help people in prison learn how to do things better make the most sense to me.”

George got to see his family again at a Hampton Inn that was just across the street from the prison. He says his faith kept him hopeful while he did his time.

George said, “I can tell everyone that man up there, I call on him day and night.” “Hold on,” he said.

Among other things, he said that some of his former prisoners had been there longer than him and deserved to be married again too.

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