Rep. Mace Explains Why He Moved His Support for Trump: “People Wish Joe Biden Would Go Away”

Rep. Mace Explains Why He Moved His Support for Trump People Wish Joe Biden Would Go Away

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) explained her support for former President Trump on Sunday, even though she had criticized the GOP presidential candidate in the past. She said that the country has been worse off under President Biden’s three-and-a-half years in office.

“Well, after almost four years of Joe Biden, it wasn’t that hard to watch people vote across the country and see how much support Donald Trump has within the party,” Mace said on “The Hill Sunday” on NewsNation.

Blake Burman of NewsNation said that the South Carolina Republican has changed his mind about supporting Trump since he lost the 2020 election and the unrest in the Capitol on January 6. Mace said that the Republican Party needs to be “rebuilt” and that Trump’s “entire legacy was wiped out” not long after the uprising.

Mace replied, “We’ve had three-and-a-half years of Joe Biden now, and it’s pretty easy,” when Burman said she could have backed someone else for the primary.

“We’ve had two back-to-back presidents, and under Donald Trump, we were all safer, wealthier, wages were higher, and inflation was lower,” she said. It wasn’t like we were in constant wars like we are now. Russia wasn’t entering Ukraine, Hamas wasn’t attacking Israel, and the Houthis weren’t trying to bomb U.S. military bases in the Middle East. In the end, we were all better off with Trump as president, and we can see that today. Joe Biden needs to go.

Mace seemed to be okay with the uprising and Trump’s part in it earlier this year, as he backed the former president’s reelection bid in January.

It was time for everyone to “unite behind our nominee,” Mace said when she gave her support. She said she doesn’t “perfectly agree with any candidate.”

“To be honest, ever since he left the White House, it’s been a pile of shit.” In January, she wrote on the social network X, “Our country needs to fix all the damage Joe Biden has done.”

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