Proposal to make Prostitution Legal in Illinois; Lawmaker Shocked and Distraught just by the Idea

Proposal to make Prostitution Legal in Illinois; Lawmaker Shocked and Distraught just by the Idea

In all but a few places in Nevada, prostitution is against the law. Advocates for LGBTQ rights and lawmakers in Illinois called for the state to stop criminalizing prostitution at a news conference on Wednesday.

Reyna Ortiz, a board member for Equality Illinois and a former sex worker, said that the fact that adults using their consent to have sex is illegal is what makes the job so dangerous.

“Going to work is important for everyone, and it’s especially important for me to feel safe and protected by the law.” “The fact that sex work is no longer illegal makes it safer for adults to have sexual encounters with other people,” Ortiz said. “Sex workers shouldn’t have to operate in the dark anymore.” We hope that no matter how you feel about sex work, you agree with us that no sex worker should be abused, killed, or attacked for doing adult-consensual sex work, which is the longest job in the world. Decriminalization finally protects adults who choose to interact and gives them control over their bodies.

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At the news conference, supporters stressed that LGBTQ people die at a higher rate than other people in this line of work. The Human Rights Campaign says that 32 transgender and gender-expansive people were killed in 2023. Most of these murder victims were killed by “Johns” or pimps.

As an officer for the Rockford Police Department, State Rep. John Cabello said that making prostitution illegal is not what makes the job dangerous; it’s the way of life itself.

“The drugs, the way of life, and the pimps are to blame.” “The law doesn’t apply to this,” Cabello said. What’s the deal with everyone else getting in trouble for all the other rules that are in place? It sounds like some people in this state want to make it so that there are no consequences for doing anything bad.

Cabello said that a lot of women use their jobs to pay for their drug habit.

He said that pimps and “Johns” often beat women. A lot of the time, pimps beat up women more. Cabello asked things like, “Are they going to need an application process for “Johns” under this bill?” Are we going to let brothels open?

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“I think the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] would be very against this,” Cabello said. “They don’t want the police to do background checks on people, so why would they let private companies do background checks on people?” “What they’re saying is just wishful thinking—’Oh, it’s going to work out great!'” “No, it’s not.”

That is not yet the case, according to Brian Johnson, CEO of Equality Illinois. Their goal is to find the “right time” to bring a bill up for discussion. Equality Illinois’ main goal is to stop criminalising sex work. Johnson said that the never-before-seen law would look at how sex workers could work together with police. Johnson also said that it would let sex workers check out their clients.

The same Prostitution should not be illegal in Illinois so that sex workers can thoroughly check out their clients and meet them where they choose. If they want to make sure their clients are safe, they can work with the cops to do so. Johnson said, “So that we don’t use taxpayer dollars that were taken from kitchen tables and Illinois homes to go after people who are having adult consensual sex.”

He said he couldn’t believe there was even a news gathering about making sex work legal.

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