Oklahomans Will Have More Abortion Options Thanks to a New Center Opening in Kansas

Oklahomans Will Have More Abortion Options Thanks to a New Center Opening in Kansas

A new center is about to open in Kansas, just across the state line from Oklahoma. This will make getting an abortion easier for people in Oklahoma.

It is now against the law in Oklahoma for people to get an abortion unless a woman’s life is in danger. Officials from the ACLU said that ruling has made women have to go to safe states like Kansas to get care.

Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood Great Plains said on Tuesday that this fall, a new center will open in Pittsburg, Kansas. It will take about three and a half hours to get to the new spot from Oklahoma City and just over two hours to get there from Tulsa.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says that Oklahomans will still have trouble getting abortions even after the new clinic opens.

The ACLU of Oklahoma’s Tamya Cox-Toure said, “Just opening another clinic does not give Oklahomans the care they need and deserve.” “It creates a false hope that abortion access has expanded when reality, abortion access should be available in Oklahoma, and many organizations and individuals are working to restore access back to our state.”

Women in Kansas who are less than 21 weeks pregnant can get an abortion.

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