North Carolina Man, 27, Arrested After Posting Selfies with Loot from Armed Robberies, Say Prosecutors

North Carolina Man, 27, Arrested After Posting Selfies with Loot from Armed Robberies, Say Prosecutors

Police in North Carolina were able to put a man in jail because he posted pictures of himself on social media with the gun he used to commit two crimes, according to officials.

On July 16, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina Dena J. King said that Hasahn Riyardt Flowe, who is 27 years old, would be going to jail for 117 months, which is more than nine years. After he finishes his prison term, he will also be under close supervision for three years.

King was joined by Chief Johnny Jennings of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department and Robert M. DeWitt, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Charlotte Division, to announce Flowe’s punishment.

The 27-year-old man robbed two stores with a gun in 2023, according to the press statement.

First, on January 22, 2023, at 6:17 p.m., Flowe walked into the Charlotte Sam’s Mart at 2630 Beatties Ford Road while wearing a red scarf over part of his face. He had a gun on him.

The only other person in the convenience shop when he walked in was a worker. The person was named A.R. in court papers.

The papers also say that Flowe told A.R. that he was fresh out of jail and that she should be quiet or he would shoot her. She was also facing him with a gun when he told her to give him the money from the register. The woman did what Flowe said, and he took the money and ran away.

The second event took place at 6:29 p.m. on February 8, 2023, at the 7-Eleven at 4255 Statesville Road in Charlotte. During the last heist, Flowe hid the bottom half of his face with the same red bandana and carried the same gun.

Only one person was working at the 7-Eleven, and his name was T.R.

One more time, Flowe showed the cashier his gun and told them to give him the money from the register. This time, the worker ran out the back door when they saw the gun.

The cashier didn’t let Flowe take the money out. A customer walked in while he was behind the desk, but they quickly left when they saw what was going on.

The worker had to help Flowe open the cash box, so he took the purse they had left behind and ran away.

Once a week, Flowe posted pictures of himself carrying the same gun that was used in the robbery and attempted robbery. This helped the police find him. On February 15, 2023, he was caught. prosecutors said that the gun used in the thefts was found by police when he was caught.

A plea deal was made by Flowe on October 19, 2023, for Hobbs Act robbery and having and pointing a gun during a violent crime.


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