New Polls Show That Gop Voters In Alabama Back IVF, 41% Do not Agree

New Polls Show That Gop Voters In Alabama Back IVF, 41% Do not Agree

A new study by UpONE Insights shows that almost two-thirds of Alabama GOP primary voters are against the Supreme Court’s decision on IVF on February 16.

The court said that the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act of 1872 is the same law that protects stored fetuses as it does children. Because of the ruling, many IVF clinics in Alabama had to temporarily stop their work. Because of the decision, the Alabama Legislature passed a law in March that protected providers from being sued, and many of them reopened.

From February 29 to March 2, 500 Republican primary voters from across the state were asked to take the study. With a 4.4 percentage point margin of error, it concluded that 61% of GOP voters are against the court’s decision and only 31% are in favor of it.

Opposition is the same among all groups that were measured. Most people who call themselves conservative (52%), Trump Republicans (62%), Christian conservatives (51%), pro-life voters (54%), and people who go to church often (52%), don’t agree with the decision.

Only 41% of those who answered do not agree with the choice; they “strongly oppose” it. 22% of them say they “somewhat oppose” it.

There are 14% of people who say they “strongly support” the decision and 16% who say they “somewhat support” it. Seven percent of those who answered either didn’t answer or said “don’t know.”

Over 81% of voters polled said they would back a new law that would protect IVF services and clinics in Alabama. A poll of people shows that 54% say they “strongly support” a new law and 27% say they “somewhat support” a new law.

Only 13% of those who answered are against IVF laws, and 4% say they “don’t know.” 2% wouldn’t answer the question. Again, answers were the same for all groups that were measured.

More than two-thirds of those who answered are in favor of putting the issue on the ballot in the future so that voters can have their say. 67% said they were in favor of a possible change, 24% said they were against it, and 9% said they didn’t know or wouldn’t answer. All groups that have a stake in the issue are still in favor of a possible ballot proposal.

Policymakers and doctors say the IVF problem isn’t resolved because the immunity law still goes against the court’s decision. They say lawmakers should find a more permanent solution to protect people.

IVF doctor at Alabama Fertility, Dr. Mamie McClean, says, “Any uncertainty about the future of IVF access in our state will lead to clinics closing or at least limiting services, and patients who can afford to leave the state for care.”

“If IVF treatments are safe and legal for good, our state will have more babies and families.”

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