Nevada’s Attorney General Anticipates Surge in Women Seeking Abortions Following Arizona’s Recent Decision

Nevada's Attorney General Anticipates Surge in Women Seeking Abortions Following Arizona's Recent Decision

After Wednesday’s decision by the Arizona Supreme Court, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford says he thinks healthcare workers in the state will see a lot of women seeking abortion care.

People in Arizona who are upset about today’s decision should know this: Nevada will protect you if your needs bring you there. Ford said this in a statement on the NV Attorney General X page.

Ford said in his statement that the Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling was an attack on women’s right to control their bodies.

He said that women should only be able to talk to their doctors about choices that affect their bodies and needs.

The Arizona Supreme Court decided on Wednesday that a law that has been in place for 160 years could be enforced. That law makes it almost impossible to get an abortion in the state.

Before Arizona became a state, the 1864 rule was in place. There are some exceptions for saving the mother’s life, but none for rape or incest. It will replace a ban that was put in place for 15 weeks in 2022.

The law from 1864 says that anyone who helps with an abortion unless it is done to save a woman’s life, could go to jail for two to five years.

The Democrat who is the Attorney General of Arizona, Kris Mayes, promised that no woman or doctor would be charged as long as they were in office.

Several well-known Republicans in Arizona are also coming out against the decision.

“As governor, I signed the 15-week law because it is well-thought-out conservative policy and a way to deal with this very touchy subject that Arizonans can agree on.” The decision today is not what I would have liked, and I call on our political leaders to listen to the people and deal with this problem in a way that works and reflects the will of our voters,” Doug Ducey, Arizona’s former Republican governor, wrote on X.

Kari Lake, a Republican running for the Senate, also spoke out against the decision. She asked Arizona’s Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs and the state legislature to “come up with an immediate common-sense solution that Arizonans can support.”

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