Michigan Attorney General Slams DTE’s ‘Outrageous’ Rate Hike Proposal, Sparks Public Outcry

Michigan Attorney General Slams DTE's 'Outrageous' Rate Hike Proposal, Sparks Public Outcry

Attorney General Dana Nessel of Michigan doesn’t agree with DTE’s plan to raise electricity rates by about $450 million a year and plans to fight it.

According to Nessel, DTE’s latest rate hike request is ridiculous in terms of the amount of money and the timing—they want to raise rates again, but it’s only been four months since their last request was accepted. “DTE is doing what they always do, which is to make constant and annoying requests for rate hikes that have nothing to do with reality but are based on the financial goals of their corporate shareholders.”

“DTE’s captive ratepayers in Detroit and elsewhere deserve better than this exploitation, where the utility baselessly demands more and more from their customers without promising anything in return by way of increased reliability or accountability.”

DTE, which is based in Detroit, asked the Michigan Public Service Commission to raise rates on Thursday. The price hike would mean that each customer would have to pay an extra $11 a month. After that, Nessel sent a notice of intervention to the commission to argue against DTE’s request, which it says is to cover grid costs and make service more reliable.

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