Man Jailed in Iowa Had Biden and Other U.S. Officials on His “Hit List”

Man Jailed in Iowa Had Biden and Other U.S. Officials on His Hit List

CASS COUNTY, Iowa – A guy from California was caught in western Iowa with a list of high-ranking U.S. officials like President Joe Biden on it. On Tuesday, he got his sentence.

Kuachua Brillion Xiong will go to jail for two years and be watched for three years after getting out because he threatened to kill Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. He was also told to give up his gun and ammo.

The case starts in December 2021. A Cass County sheriff’s officer pulled Xiong over on I-80 in western Iowa because he was weaving in and out of traffic. Investigators said Xiong had the White House’s address saved in his GPS and had cash in the car set aside for his own funeral costs.

Xiong told the police that he planned to kill President Biden and Vice President Harris as soon as he got to the nation’s capital. Investigators said that his “hit list” was made up of videos he had downloaded from TikTok. They said he had more than 100 videos of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Mark Zuckerberg on it.

He also told the police that this traffic stop was the only thing that could stop him. Along with the gun and bullets, his car had body armor and a grappling hook that he planned to use to break through the fence and into the White House.

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