In Texas and New Mexico, United Family Contributes Over 50,000 Pounds of Apples as Donations!

United Family Contributes Over 50,000 Pounds of Apples as Donations!

As part of the yearly Take a Bite Out of HungerTM initiative, The United Family gave 10,530 pounds of apples to the South Plains Food Bank on Thursday. This contribution is a component of a bigger one that will benefit Texas and New Mexico with over 50,000 pounds of apples.

The United Family and FirstFruits have collaborated for 14 years to sustain the Take a Bite Out of Hunger initiative. The two businesses have fed over 167,000 families and contributed over 600,000 pounds of apples during that time.

Produce Business Director Joseph Bunting of The United Family stated, “The Family feels very blessed to be in the position to be making these donations for the fourteenth year in a row.” “We are aware of the critical role fresh produce contributions have in supporting food banks and the people they serve. We are really appreciative of our collaboration with FirstFruits as well as the dedication of our team members in Texas and New Mexico.

With this contribution, The United Family demonstrates their ongoing dedication to the Take a Bite Out of Hunger initiative, which is supported by FirstFruits of Washington. The initiative was started by FirstFruits with the goal of raising awareness of the national food insecurity issue and assisting people in need with food.

According to CEO Dina Jefferies, “South Plains Food Bank is honored to be a recipient of Take a Bite out of Hunger again this year.” We value this collaboration greatly since it enables us to supply the community with fresh vegetables. We could not provide the kind of community service that we offer without kind sponsors like FirstFruits and The United Family. We are more appreciative than ever that groups are fighting hunger with us while food insecurity on the South Plains is rising.

“This season, Washington state produced one of the largest apple crops,” stated Aimee Peters, FirstFruits’ business development manager. We’re honored to work in tandem with merchants like United Supermarkets, who take part in our Take a Bite Out of Hunger initiative, to support the volume movement of apples from our farm to their customers while also making community investments by donating fresh apples to areas where access to wholesome, fresh food is limited. Let’s toast to 14 years of working together on this program! Thank you for your support.

Donations Received by Food Banks:

  1. Food Bank of the South Plains, Lubbock, TX
  2. Food Bank of the High Plains, Amarillo, TX
  3. Abilene, Texas-based Food Bank of West Central Texas
  4. Food Pantry Minnie’s, Dallas, Texas
  5. Odessa/Midland, Texas: West Texas Food Bank
  6. The Wichita Falls, Texas-based Wichita Falls Area Food Bank
  7. Clovis, New Mexico: Food Bank of Eastern New Mexico
  8. Food Bank Roadrunner, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  9. Albuquerque, NM’s Storehouse NM

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