Health Care Professionals and Patients in Alabama Want Medical Cannabis Shops to Open

Health Care Professionals and Patients in Alabama Want Medical Cannabis Shops to Open

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Three years have passed since the state lawmakers made medical marijuana legal, but patients still can’t get it. Dr. in Alabama says they can’t do anything.

The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission and businesses that want to open medical marijuana dispensaries are in court, which has stopped the rollout of the drug.

This is something that Alabama doctor Marshall Walker’s patients always ask him: “When are we going to get it, doc? When is it going to happen?”

Doctors from out of state talked about how they’re using cannabis for good at a meeting with patients and doctors in Montgomery that was held in front of a cannabis clinic that was still waiting to open.

American doctor Corey Hebert said, “I’ve seen a mother give her child medical cannabis, and the seizures stopped for good.”

In his opinion, Hebert says that cannabis has helped soldiers who are in pain or have PTSD.

He also says that the natural drug doesn’t seem to be addicting. Plus, a person cannot overdose on it like they can with some drugs.

“I feel like I’m hurting people every time I write an opioid prescription for them.” Hebert said, “We need to have medicines and other options so people can still get the help they need.”

One doctor said that since 9/11, more than 7,000 US soldiers have died in battle and another 40,000 have killed themselves. The doctors at this meeting say that medical cannabis can help stop this problem and help many other people who have severe pain.

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