Donald Trump Faces Resounding Defeat in Pennsylvania Primary as Voters Deliver Overwhelming Rejection

Donald Trump Faces Resounding Defeat in Pennsylvania Primary as Voters Deliver Overwhelming Rejection

Tens of thousands of Republicans refused to vote for Donald Trump in the Pennsylvania primary on Tuesday, even though he was the likely Republican winner. This was a setback for Trump.

There were more than 786,000 votes for the former president in the key split state, which gave him 83.5 percent of the vote.

Even though Nikki Haley stopped running for president after Super Tuesday in March, she still got 16.5% of the vote, which is more than 155,000 votes.

Trump got enough delegates in Georgia, Mississippi, and Washington state to clinch the Republican presidential nomination in March. He also won the Republican primary in a big way.

There are, however, signs that Trump is still having trouble getting support from moderate and independent voters. These people could be very important in the general election against Vice President Joe Biden, especially in Pennsylvania, which is a swing state.

With a huge win in Pennsylvania, Trump continued to lead the GOP primary. Pennsylvania is one of the states that could decide who wins the 2024 race.

Trump still won more than 83% of the vote, but Haley, who was seen as a more reasonable Republican candidate and was expected to win over the “Never Trump” movement, is still causing problems for Trump’s campaign even though she is no longer officially running.

Haley was Trump’s last major opponent in the GOP primary. On Super Tuesday, she got more than 2 million votes, including winning Vermont, which is a very blue state.

Haley also got more than 26% of the GOP primary vote in Michigan and 18% of the vote in Arizona, both of which are important swing states. That’s hundreds of thousands of votes.

There are a lot of polls that show people who supported Haley will not vote for Trump in 2024.

In 2020, Trump lost Pennsylvania to Biden by 80,555 votes, which is just over 1%.

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