Disabled Advocates Assert Their Voice in Alabama State House ‘We’re Here. We’re Human

Disabled Advocates Assert Their Voice in Alabama State House 'We're Here. We're Human

At the Alabama State House, where the legislature was meeting, something smaller but just as important was going on on the first floor. People with disabilities gathered in a committee room to launch REV UP, a movement that aims to make it easier for disabled people to get involved in politics and vote.

REV UP, which stands for “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power,” started in Texas in 2016 and is now the 20th state to join. Its goal is to give people who aren’t often heard in political conversations a chance to do so. The movement wants everyone, with or without a disability, to have the same rights and be treated fairly. It is led by activists like Katie Toro and Barbara Manuel.

The launch, which was made possible by the League of Women Voters of Alabama, shows how important it is for everyone to be able to participate in politics, especially now that SB1 has been passed. Even though this bill has caused a lot of debate, it has made people think about how to make sure that all citizens, including the old, disabled, and those on the outside, can freely exercise their right to vote.

REV UP wants to help disabled people with more than just their right to vote. They want to help with things like transportation, healthcare, schooling, and just getting through daily life. Breaking down barriers is important for making society more fair and where everyone’s voice counts, as co-leaders like Toro stress.

Even though there is doubt and disappointment, REV UP stays true to its goal of giving disabled people more power and promoting good change. The goal of the program is to make Alabama a better place for everyone by focusing on education, advocacy, and working together with lawmakers.

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