Crimes of Hot Prowl Have Led to the Sexual Attack of a Woman in Silver Lake, East Hollywood, According to Police

Crimes of Hot Prowl Have Led to the Sexual Attack of a Woman in Silver Lake, East Hollywood, According to Police

A woman was sexually abused in her bedroom early Saturday morning, as part of a string of “hot prowl” home burglaries that led police to warn people in Silver Lake and East Hollywood to keep their lights on.

In a community message, the Los Angeles Police Department said, “Residents are asked to turn on all exterior lighting, lock all windows and doors, and be on the lookout for any strange people or vehicles.”

Burglaries that happen while people are inside are called “hot prowl” burglaries by the police. There were break-ins on Saturday morning. Police Officer Lillian Carranza of the LAPD Central Bureau said that a woman was struck in her bedroom while she was sleeping.

The police did not say where the crimes happened, but between 3 and 10 a.m., three burglaries were reported within a two-block area of Manzanita Street and Sanborn Avenue, according to records from the police radio and the Citizen App.


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