California Police Officer Ambushed and Shot by Criminal Freed by Progressive DA’s Challenger

California Police Officer Ambushed and Shot by Criminal Freed by Progressive DA's Challenger

His opponent for office said that the top prosecutor in the region’s “soft-on-crime” policies could have kept a known gang member with a long history of violent crimes from shooting a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s officer in jail.

Raymundo Duran, 47, is accused of shooting Deputy Samuel Aispuro in the back at a stop light on April 22 in West Covina, California, while he was riding his marked sheriff’s motorcycle. Duran has a history of violent crimes, including two felony assaults he committed while serving an 11-year sentence for manslaughter, according to court records.

Aispuro, who had been with the police department for almost 20 years, was wearing his bulletproof gear and made it through the random attack.

Duran was caught in 2021 after leading police on a foot and car chase. He was charged with hit-and-run, resisting arrest, and running away from a police officer. Authorities had to crash into Duran’s car to stop him, and he briefly ran away from the scene, they said.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, a Democrat, could have put Duran in jail, but as part of a plea deal, he was given probation instead, according to Gascón’s opponent in the race.

Many people say that Raymundo Duran is a sociopath who has been committing violent acts for decades, according to Nathan Hochman, a former federal lawyer who is running as an independent to replace Gascón. Hochman spoke to Fox News Digital. “Unfortunately, the sentences that he’s received haven’t deterred him from committing additional violent conduct.”

“So, when George Gascón has his chance to deal with Mr. Duran and make it so he won’t be able to victimize others, he decides to go for the lowest sentences,” he said.

People in Gascón’s own office, as well as police and elected officials, have been very critical of his progressive views on criminal justice.

It’s been almost four years since Jason Lustig became the boss of lawyers in Los Angeles County. He said that they have lost motivation.

He told Fox News Digital, “Everyone is just sick enough of it.” “We can see more victims being added all the time.” Every day we see it.”

Duran was wanted for violating his parole when he was caught in 2021. He had been convicted of four felonies before. He was also found guilty of domestic abuse in 1996. Hochman said that he got 11 years in prison in 2002 for killing his boss at a Jiffy Lube with a knife as part of a plea deal.

Duran hit a guard at Salinas Valley State Prison in 2003, one year into his sentence. Court papers show that he pleaded “not guilty” in Monterey County Superior Court.

Duran stabbed another prisoner on November 9, 2009, with a “shank,” which is a homemade knife. After pleading guilty to assaulting a prisoner in a way that was likely to cause great physical harm, he got another four years in prison.

After he got out of jail, he broke his parole, and in February 2022, he was caught for having a gun without a permit while a prisoner. The crime was punishable by six years in jail, but Duran agreed to a plea deal and was given a sentence of two years and four months.

“In 2021, had he actually gotten a six-year sentence or longer, he wouldn’t have been in the place to have shot the gun at the deputy in West Covina,” said Hochman.

Fox News Digital has tried to get in touch with Gascón’s office.

Dugan was caught in San Diego County hours after the surprise shooting. He was driving a 2008 Toyota Camry. Trying to kill a police officer in the first degree, attacking a police officer, and having a gun while being a criminal are the charges against him.

Police officer Samuel Aispuro was shot without a reason. Gascón said days after the shooting, “This is a stark reminder of the dangers our police officers face every day.” “Our office is determined to bring the worst possible charges against the criminal to the fullest extent of the law.” Our thoughts are with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and Deputy Aispuro as they get better after what happened.

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