California Governor Introduces Bill to Support Arizonans Seeking Abortions

California Governor Introduces Bill to Support Arizonans Seeking Abortions

THE PHOENIX — In response to Arizona’s decision to uphold an abortion ban that was first put in place in 1864, Governor Gavin Newsom (D) of California is going to suggest new laws this week.

From a Planned Parenthood clinic in Sacramento, Newsom told MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki that he plans to introduce emergency legislation this week that would make it easier for doctors in Arizona to get approved to do abortions in California.

“I think, really, we need to start focusing on making the kind of progress that’s needed,” he said.

Newsom said that he will present the bill to the Women’s Caucus of California this week. The law is set to take effect on May 1.

The office of Governor Newsom said that this bill came about because Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) asked people to do something.

“Arizona AG Kris Mayes identified a need to expedite the ability for Arizona abortion providers to continue to provide care to Arizonans as a way to support patients in their state seeking abortion care in California,” a statement to The Hill said. “We are responding to this call and will have more details to share in the coming days.”

Mayes said she was thankful that Newsom and California Attorney General Rob Bonta worked together to get Arizona doctors licensed faster in California.

According to Mayes, Arizonans still need reproductive health care even though the state’s high court decided to reinstate a nearly complete ban on abortion. She said this in a post on X, which used to be called Twitter.

As far back as April 9, the Arizona Supreme Court said that a 160-year-old law that says abortions are illegal except when they are needed to save the mother’s life could become law. People who have been raped or sexually abused cannot get an exception. It was hard for Arizona House Republicans to get rid of a law from the Civil War this past week.

Mayes says that the law can’t go into effect until June 8, because of a 45-day hold put in place by Isaacson v. the State of Arizona in 2022.

Cheryl Bruce, Campaign Manager for Arizona for Abortion Access, told 12News that women shouldn’t have to go to another state to get an abortion, and that their main goal is still to keep access in Arizona.

“Frankly, I think that it’s tragic that we are talking about other states neighboring us having to pick up more of the burden,” he said.

Cathi Herrod, President of the Center for Arizona Policy, talked on Sunday Square Off about how House Democrats failed in their attempt to get rid of the 1864 law. She said she wants women to know that the state can help them get care.

“There are more than 40 pregnancy centers in this state ready to help women who are pregnant by accident or because of a crisis.” Sherod said, “We’re here to help and serve them.”

Newsom also responded to a video of Republican lawmakers in Arizona cheering after stopping a Wednesday attempt to get rid of the law.

“They are happy about the fact that we now have a ban in Arizona that goes back to 1864.” 1864. What did I think the Republican Party wanted to do with the 20th century? “Now they want to go back to the 1800s,” Newsom said. “So, for me, it’s chilling and goes well beyond just the issue of women’s reproductive care.”

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