Bankruptcy Records Reveal GOP NC Governor Nominee Mark Robinson’s Failure to File Federal Income Taxes for 5 Years

Bankruptcy Records Reveal GOP NC Governor Nominee Mark Robinson's Failure to File Federal Income Taxes for 5 Years

Mark Robinson, the lieutenant governor of North Carolina and a rising star in state politics, has been open about his past money problems, such as going bankrupt and having trouble with taxes. Even so, Robinson has gotten a lot of press for being a conservative who is against government aid programs.

Robinson’s book, “We Are The Majority,” tells the story of his rise from poverty to wealth, including how he and his wife started and sold a successful daycare business. ABC News recently got hold of Robinson’s bankruptcy records, which show a more detailed and bad picture of his financial past.

Robinson and his wife filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2003, saying they had a lot of debt and their house was about to be foreclosed on. Robinson also didn’t file his federal income taxes for five years in a row, which caused the Internal Revenue Service to take action.

Robinson has talked about his past problems and his determination to get through tough times when asked about his taxes. The revelations have been brushed off by his campaign as old news and an attempt to confuse voters.

Robinson has been very open about his dislike of government assistance programs, even though he has used bankruptcy protection in the past. He supports personal responsibility and speaks out against what he sees as abuses of the social safety net.

Robinson’s rise in politics has not been without scandal, as he has been criticized for things he has said in the past, such as making negative comments about Parkland shooting survivors. In spite of this, former President Donald Trump backed him for governor and said he was like “Martin Luther King on steroids.”

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