At a West Virginia Gas Station, a Guy From North Carolina Tries to Kidnap a Child

At a West Virginia Gas Station, a Guy From North Carolina Tries to Kidnap a Child

MINGO COUNTY, WV – He tried to take a child from West Virginia hostage at a gas station, and now a guy from North Carolina is being charged.

A 16-year-old boy named BM and Thomas Kennedy went to the Marathon/Seven Eleven at 11 W Second Avenue in Williamson, West Virginia, on June 1, 2024, to report a crime. They were approached by Trooper J.C. Morrison of the West Virginia State Police Williamson Detachment.

BM said that an unknown man had been rude to her and grabbed her while trying to get her to go with him. The police officer got BM’s audio statement, in which she said the suspect was sitting on a wall near her car in the parking lot. He called BM “little mama” and “beautiful; I want to have sex with you; you are my wife,” even though BM told him she was 16 and to leave her alone. Next, the suspect grabbed BM by the arm and cut her with his nails. He then began telling people that they had children together, which was not true.

A witness close stepped in and punched the suspect to stop him. This person said they saw the man try to grab the child by the arm and take her with him. Moises Garcia Hernandez was later found to be the suspect.

Hernandez is accused of kidnapping and trying to do something illegal. He is in jail on a 75,000-dollar cash-only bail.

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