Alabama House Bill Proposes Granting Local Law Enforcement Authority to Arrest Illegal Immigrants

Alabama House Bill Proposes Granting Local Law Enforcement Authority to Arrest Illegal Immigrants

Rep. Ernie Yarbrough wants to introduce a bill that would let local police work with federal officers to arrest people who are in the country illegally.

It was proposed that the “Laken Riley Act” be used to stop people from coming to the United States illegally.

Immigration Lawyer Keith Cornett said, “They will make it a crime for anyone who breaks this new law.” “Given the chance that it passes.”

Cornett said that police can’t arrest someone because of their immigration situation right now, but that would change.

Cornett said, “If they’re driving without a license, they will be arrested for driving without a license, and they will also be arrested because they are an illegal alien.” “What does Alabama’s State have to do with it?” Because it is against the law to enter the United States illegally, there is nothing.

Jeremy Love, an immigration lawyer, said that this new bill makes people worried about being profiled.

Love asked, “Since I speak Spanish, should I be afraid to speak Spanish in public?” “That’s how things are. People will worry and be scared that they are being profiled because of how they look or talk, which is a bad thing.

Love also said that he was worried that the bill might cause problems in the areas where it was passed.

Love said, “Police just aren’t trained to enforce immigration laws.” “There are a lot of rules about immigration that are hard to understand, and they change every year.” Every year, people will have to learn about immigration laws again, and I think that takes police away from their main job, which is to keep our city safe.

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