A Former California Prison Guard Has Been Charged With Sexually Abusing Five Female Prisoners

A Former California Prison Guard Has Been Charged With Sexually Abusing Five Female Prisoners

Inmates at a federal women’s jail in California say they were sexually abused by a former correctional officer regularly, starting as early as 2016. The officer is now facing more charges related to these claims.

There were 12 counts against Darrell Wayne Smith, who worked at the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin. He was caught in Florida on May 11, 2023. At the time, officials said he had sexually abused three women in their prison cells and the laundry room of the prison between 2019 and 2021.

In a press release on Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice said that a federal grand jury had given a new indictment that charges Smith with 15 counts of sexual abuse and civil rights violations against five female prisoners who were in his care and custody.

According to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Officer Darrell Smith committed horrible crimes when he sexually abused people who were in his care and control. “This new indictment replaces the old one. It is the latest step the Department has taken to help victims of sexual assault at FCI Dublin get justice.” We are still determined to get rid of sexual attack in the BOP and hold those responsible for such a major breach of duty accountable.

The first charge against Smith, who is 55 years old and now lives in Florida, was for 12 counts that happened between May 2019 and May 2021. The DOJ said Smith had physical contact with each of the three female prisoners in different ways.

The new indictment, which came out last week, adds two more victims and three more charges, bringing the total to fifteen. There are two charges for each victim, plus one charge of civil rights violation for aggravated sexual abuse Smith is said to have committed against one of the victims.

The DOJ said Smith’s alleged sexual behavior began as early as August 2016.

President Ismail Ramsey, who is the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California, said that federal prison guards must treat inmates with respect. “Victimizing inmates sexually and denying them basic civil rights must end.”

Smith is now facing six counts of sexual abuse of a dependent person, seven counts of abusive sexual contact, one count of aggravated sexual abuse, and one count of denial of rights under color of law.

He has not yet been arraigned for the new charge, but his hearing for the old charge is set to start on March 17, 2025, in the Northern District of California.

Smith could spend the rest of his life in jail if he is found guilty of each count of aggravated sexual abuse and deprivation of rights under color of law.

The law also says that he could get up to 15 years in prison for each count of sexual abuse of a child and up to two years in prison for each count of abusive sexual contact.

Smith is at least the sixth jail worker in Dublin who has been charged with abusing prisoners. Last year, a study by the Associated Press showed that the prison, which is about 20 miles east of Oakland, had a long history of abuse and covering it up. Congress paid more attention after that report came out, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons promised to fix issues and change the culture at the prison.

Ray Garcia, who used to be the warden of the jail, was found guilty in December 2022 of molesting prisoners and making them pose naked in their cells. He was given a six-year prison term.

In the months since the AP’s report, the Justice Department has been more aggressive in going after federal prison workers who are accused of sexually abusing inmates. In March 2023, Deputy Attorney General Monaco and Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters went to the Dublin prison to meet with people who were trying to make things better there.

Once a prison chaplain at Dublin, James Theodore Highhouse admitted to abusing a prisoner in his chapel office and lying to the police. In August, he was given a seven-year prison term. He is appealing the sentence, saying it went beyond what the law allows.

Enrique Chavez, who worked as a foreman in food service, admitted guilt and was given a 20-month prison term. A recycling technician named Ross Klinger has pleaded guilty but has not yet been given a term. John Russell Bellhouse, who is in charge of jail safety, is going to be tried soon.


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