Dad Slapped His Baby in Public, and Now “Pronatalist” Parents Are Getting Heat for It. They Think the Criticism is Racist

Dad Slapped His Baby in Public, and Now Pronatalist Parents Are Getting Heat for It. They Think the Criticism is Racist

Pennsylvania – Remember the American couple who wants to have children like the very wealthy people who want to make the world a better place?

They are in trouble now because they hit one of their kids in public.

Malcolm and Simone Collins have already told Business Insider that they want to have a lot of kids because they believe that having kids will “set the future of our species.”

“I don’t think the world is a good place right now.” “And I think we might be gone if someone doesn’t fix the problem,” Malcolm Collins told BI in 2022. The couple has talked to the press several times to explain their goals as a couple and to represent a growing trend in favor of abortion.

But people don’t like the interview the couple did with The Guardian not long ago. An incident that which Malcolm Collins hit one of his toddlers in public was written about in The Guardian. The child “knocked the table with his foot and caused it to teeter, to almost topple, before it rights itself.”

Jenny Kleeman of The Guardian wrote, “Right away, like a reflex, Malcolm hits him in the face.” “He hit his two-year-old son in the face with the palm of his hand. It wasn’t a hard blow, but it was firm enough for me to hear on my voice recorder when I play it back later.” Malcolm did it in public, in front of a reporter who he knows is filming it all.

Malcolm Collins picked up the talk with the shocked reporter where he left off after telling his child, “I love you, but you need to be nice in restaurants.” Toastie, no. If you do that, you’ll get hit.

Soon after, the story went viral on X, which is owned by Elon Musk and where Malcolm Collins was talking about him in awe just before hitting his toddler.

One X user shared a screenshot of the story and said, “The pro-life couple hits their kids.”

“Oh my God, the kid is two!” My kid is two years old!!!! “The thought of hitting her has never crossed my mind, and if you know any two-year-olds, you know how crazy it is to do this!” wrote someone else on X.

According to Simone Collins in an email to Business Insider, Torsten Savage was acting out on purpose. She also said that if the toddler tipped over a table with glasses on top of it, it “could be deadly in a house with infants” at their Pennsylvania home.

“He is a very nice, smart, and analytical child, but he also has a strong rebellious streak and is in the middle of his twos.” “All of this to say that yes, 100%, Torsten was breaking the rules and wasn’t doing it by accident,” Simone Collins wrote. “Incidents in which we ‘bop’ our kids are unusual—usually when physical safety is at stake.”

Collins told Business Insider over the phone that he “bopped” his son on the nose to wake him up, not to hurt him. After looking at “animal parenting models,” he said, the couple picked the punishment.

Malcolm Collins said, “Across the nose is pretty much what we aim for.” “It’s better than a slap on the wrist because it doesn’t have to hurt to be effective.” That’s what I mean: when someone walks into the space around your face, it’s very shocking and throws you off, especially if you’re feeling down, which kids often do.

He said: “The only way you could achieve the same effect by hitting a child’s wrist is to hit it large enough to cause a significant amount of pain, which I wouldn’t want to do, but I can understand why visually people might be, ‘Oh, the slight hit on the nose or the face is really bad’ because it looks visually bad.”

The couple said that the complaints on social media were racist because, as they put it, people of color hit their kids all the time without getting the same complaints.

“The racism that runs through this recent controversy kind of shocks us.” “It is pretty well known that African Americans and other minority groups use physical punishment a lot more than other groups,” Simone Collins wrote in an email, referring to a 2011 CNN story.

Malcolm Collins said it was “uniquely offensive” to him because “the majority of Americans practice some form of corporal punishment, as you can see from the statistics.” He said this was especially true for minority groups in the U.S. In that case, I agree that it might be racist.”

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