8-year-old Girl Getting Better After Motorbike Accident

8-year-old Girl Getting Better After Motorbike Accident

COMMERCE CITY, Colo.— A driver made an 8-year-old girl lose control of her motorbike and then drove off, causing the girl to wreck. She is now on the mend.

Tuesday was the day. Bella and her dad, Enrique Martinez, were riding his motorbike around Commerce City to meet their family.

Martinez said, “It was a nice day, so you know, we were just going to take a nice little drive over there.”

Martinez said that a car pulled out in front of them as they were going east on East 56th Avenue, past the Dick’s Sporting Goods Park.

He said, “Jumped out right in front of us and had to lose control to avoid hitting them. He just went down.”

Criminals cut holes in the fuel tank of pickup trucks to steal fuel.

He was shocked, but he said he was able to get to his daughter quickly and make sure she was okay.

“Seeing her that way was hard.” I only checked to see if she was okay and that nothing was broken. She was able to stand up. We were strolling. “But I put her down right away, and there was just—she was badly hurt,” he said.

Martínez said that everyone close came to help, except the driver of the car that hit them.

“The person who jumped in front of us didn’t even stop; he just took off.” He didn’t press the brakes or anything. Martinez said, “He just kept going.”

He was thankful that his dad lived right next door and came right away to take her to Children’s Hospital Colorado. When they got there, they rushed her to the burn center because she had such bad injuries.

Her mom, Bernadette Luevano, said, “Burn center did say she’s on the verge.” “They would have to do skin grafts on her if they went any deeper.”

They bandaged her cuts and sent her home on Thursday, but she will have to go back every week to get bandaged again.

“Right now, we’re just taking it week by week with the doctors,” Luevano said. “We don’t want to open up the wounds and get an infection.”

They will find out next week if Bella needs skin grafts.

It will be looked at again by the burn center to see if her skin is growing well enough. She will need skin patches if it’s not. The answer is, “We hope the best.”

You can help pay for Luevano’s hospital bills by going to GoFundMe. She had to temporarily stop running her business so she could take care of her daughter.

All of her appointments have to be canceled or moved so she could get the care she needs and all of her time, she said.

The two of them are happy that their daughter is still with them for now.

He said, “Thank God she was wearing her helmet, because it could have been much worse.”

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