6-month-old Baby Fatally Mauled by Family Dog at Relative’s Home in Alabama

6-month-old Baby Fatally Mauled by Family Dog at Relative’s Home in Alabama

A youngster died after being attacked by a dog at a family member’s home in Alabama.

According to the Shelby County Coroner’s Office, the 6-month-old baby was attacked by the household dog on March 14. She was transported to UAB Hospital, but she did not survive.

Ember Renee Southard, lovingly known as ‘Noodle’, is remembered for her smile, laugh, and the significant impact she had on family and friends during her brief life, according to her obituary.

Shelby County Coroner Lina Evans stated that infant Ember was dropped off at another family member’s home that day.

A family member fell asleep with the infant on her lap, and the baby fell. When the family member awoke, the baby was unresponsive, Evans stated.

According to Evans, the infant girl suffered injuries all over her body consistent with a dog attack.

Ember’s mother, Anna Southard, believed the scenario was avoidable.

“It was a preventable and unfortunate accident. “My daughter is gone for good because of it,” she claimed. “Please practice safe sleep. Please do not allow your children to be around dogs.”

The mother stated that the animal involved was an 11-year-old canine with no history of aggressiveness.

Evans stated that working instances like these is never simple.

“I feel sad whenever someone is doing what they normally do and they die as a result of something that is beyond their control or someone else,” she told me. “I know we’re around our animals and we trust our animals but we always have to keep in mind that animals are animals and they’re unpredictable.”

The Alabaster Police Department stated that they are investigating.

Reference: 6-month-old girl dies following dog attack at home: ‘My daughter is gone forever’


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