49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans Think Trump Should Stop Running for Office After Being Convicted

49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans Think Trump Should Stop Running for Office After Being Convicted

A new study shows that a lot of independent voters and some Republicans want Donald Trump to stop running for president.

49 percent of independent voters and 15 percent of Republican voters said on Friday that Trump should drop his bid for 2024 after his felony conviction. Only 8% of Trump supporters, on the other hand, said they want his campaign to stop. Also, their study showed that 54% of voters agree with the historic decision.

A Manhattan jury found Trump guilty on 34 counts of lying about business records as part of a plot to steal the election. The plot involved hiding a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, whose story of an affair threatened to derail Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The judge will decide Trump’s sentence on July 11, just a few days before the Republican National Convention, where he will be officially named the GOP presidential candidate.

The same study showed that half of voters don’t want Trump to go to prison. As per the Morningside Consult poll, 69% of people believe that he should be fined and 49% believe that Judge Juan Merchan should put him on probation.

On Friday, President Joe Biden talked about the conviction. He called the defendant’s attacks on the trial “reckless” and said that the result shows that the justice system works.

He also said that Trump had every chance to defend himself and that the case against him had been brought in a state court, not a federal one. The verdict was made by a regular jury of “12 citizens, 12 Americans, 12 people like you” who were chosen “the same way every jury in America is chosen.”

In the meantime, some of Trump’s most devoted fans are asking for violence online because he was found guilty.

“Look for the jurors.” All of them. “Take no prisoners,” one person on a message board about Trump wrote.

“Just give them the rope,” someone else said, making a clear reference to hanging. “There is no longer any time to talk.” Feel free to hang out outside the building.

A number of well-known Republicans have also refused to accept the decision, saying that it was “rigged” and “corrupt.”

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